Alice Teh Larsson

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Don’t miss the point

Look: See what really matters. It’s not about regurgitating the facts but about figuring out the point (in the case of journalism, for example). It means making those relationships and connections (between the set of facts) explicit. McKeown in Essentialism says:

In every set of facts, something essential is hidden. […] The best journalists do not simply relay information. Their value is in discovering what really matters to people.

Echoing McKeown, being the journalist of our own lives means seeing the bigger picture instead of being buried in the details. Train ourselves to look for “the lead.” See the dots; connect them. See the trends. Focus on the more significant issues that really matter.

So what does this mean to me? It means I will take the most appropriate action with what I know. I will be able to course-correct. I will focus on the right things instead of being side-tracked or distracted by ‘shiny objects’ life throws in my way.