Alice Teh Larsson

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Rebalance Your Portfolio

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One of my favorite authors Dorie Clark shared today that she was invited on Good Morning America two weeks ago to talk about her new book, The Long Game, and why being a long-term thinker is so critical to our careers and our future. Two long-term thinking tips were mentioned in the short 4-minute clip:

  1. Protect Your Schedule

  2. Focus Where It Counts

But what really struck me was the “rebalance a stock portfolio” metaphor. Clark: […] over the past two years, we all like it or not been forced into short-term thinking because of COVID. For so many of us, we just weren’t even able to make long term plans because we didn’t know what was coming around the corner. Just like you rebalance a stock portfolio. This is the time now as we’re coming into the end of the year, we’re looking at 2022, we can ask ourselves, what do we want our lives to be like and rebalance that portfolio to get a little bit away from short-term thinking, and go more toward long-term thinking creating a real vision for what we want for our lives, our careers, and our families?

Ponder: Long-term thinking is NOT in conflict with the idea of being present.

How: Commit to the right thing. Understand the emotional cost. Understand the opportunity cost.