Åh nej, Bruno!
ISBN: 9789187707490
Överättning: Gunilla Halkjaer Olofsson
Engelska originalets titel: Oh no, George!
Back cover: Bruno vill vara en duktig hund. Han försöker verkligen. Men han har just fått syn på en tårta i köket... Vad gör Bruno då? (In English: Bruno wants to be a good dog. He really tries. But he just saw a cake in the kitchen ... What will Bruno do?)
I bought Åh nej, Bruno! more than a year ago while I was in Stockholm. It was the first week of March and super cold. I was strolling around town in the near 0°C temperature and ended up in a small bookshop (surprise, surprise!) in the Stockholm Central Station. This lovely, orange-colored board book stays on my bookshelf until today and I finally felt that it is time. It is time I try to read it with my limited comprehension of Swedish.
Jag gillar verkligen den här boken om hunden Bruno. Det här är en rolig barnbok! I really like this book about the dog Bruno. This is a fun children's book!
This book is a delight to read aloud. I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing the Swedish words correctly but I'm 80% sure those words sound right. The original title for Åh nej, Bruno! is Oh no, George! I learned a few new words too such as jaga meaning hunt, jord meaning earth or soil, gräva meaning dig, and so many more. I also like the expression Och hur i all världen kunde du... meaning “How in the world could you...” and in Bruno's case, äta upp HELA tårtan? meaning “eat up the whole cake?”
There are other books in the series that I'd love to read, especially the super cute Mamma borta (Original English title: Little Owl Lost).