Be Present
Rolf Dobelli said: Our brains cope automatically with all three layers of time—past, present and future. The issue is which one we concentrate on.
What I have learned from Dobelli is that it’s not about avoiding making long-term plans, but once they are in place to focus wholly on the now. Not ruminating about the past, worrying or wondering about the future, but living in the present.
That future will—at some point—become the present, and when it comes, I will savor the moment and live a good life.
The past shaped me to a certain extent and significantly too, but I will not dwell on it longer than it’s necessary. I’ve learned from it, and every so often shuffle through my internal filing system for the appropriate life lesson, but that is it. It will not be from a point of regret.
“One day you’ll be on your deathbed, and your account will be permanently closed.”