Alice Teh Larsson

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“The 3 Alarms” by Eric Partaker

The 3 Alarms by Eric Partaker is a transformative guide that intertwines his personal narrative with practical advice on achieving peak performance in three critical domains of life: health, wealth, and relationships. Partaker’s journey from a high-flying executive on the brink of a health catastrophe to a balanced life of achievement and personal fulfillment forms the backbone of this book. He introduces a simple yet effective system of setting three daily alarms as a reminder to strive for excellence in these domains, embodying different roles: a world-class health enthusiast, a top-tier professional, and a loving family member.

I’m grateful to Ali Abdaal for highlighting this book in one of his videos (this one)!

Eric Partaker’s writing style in The 3 Alarms is both engaging and practical, seamlessly blending storytelling with actionable advice. His candid recounting of personal struggles and triumphs adds authenticity and relatability, making the book more than just a self-help guide but a compelling story of transformation. The clear and motivating narrative has definitely prompted me towards introspection and action. The concept of setting alarms as a behavioral cue is innovative and symbolic, encapsulating the book’s core message of intentional living and self-improvement. Here’s how MY alarm setup looks like (don’t laugh!):

My 3 Alarms in relation to this concept are the ones at:

  • 6:00 AM (some light exercise for my brain and body after I feed Mister Pops the Cat his “chu-chu” snacks)

  • 7:30 AM (the cue to put on my work hat)

  • 4:30 PM (the cue to take off my work hat and switch gear).

I highly recommend The 3 Alarms to anyone feeling overwhelmed by the pursuit of success in just one aspect of life: professional achievement, personal health, or relationship quality. Partaker’s methods are practical and can be easily integrated into daily routines, making the book valuable for those looking to make significant life changes without feeling overburdened. Here is a list of (a fraction of the) actions one can take (that I’m taking), as suggested in the book:

  1. Daily Champion Proofs: Select an action item for each identity (health, wealth, relationships) daily, such as extra preparation for an important meeting, sticking to a healthy eating plan, or calling a friend or family member​​.

  2. Design Your Ideal Day and Morning Routine: Determine your ideal day and morning routine and how to restructure your days to better manage energy and time​​.

  3. Set Massive Goals: Set a massive goal to force yourself to take significant action in your life, committing before you feel ready​​. (To this point, I’m currently reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life and totally enjoying it. He talks in much detail about this topic in his second tool: Never Think Small.)

The book’s unique approach of setting alarms as a daily reminder to focus on health, wealth, and relationships is both symbolic and effective. Whether you're a busy professional, a striving entrepreneur, or someone just looking to balance different aspects of life, The 3 Alarms is a must-read.

Oh, and by the way, you can get this e-book for free here (thank you, Eric Partaker!).