Books, 2011 Alice . Books, 2011 Alice .

Norwegian Wood: Naoko’s Thoughts

This happens to me quite a lot: “I can never say what I want to say,” continued Naoko. “It’s been like this for a while now. I try to say something, but all I get are the wrong words—the wrong words or the exact opposite words from what I mean. I try to correct myself, and that only makes it worse. I lose track of what I was trying to say to begin with. It’s like I’m split in two and playing tag with myself. One half is chasing the other half around this big, fat post. The other me has the right words, but this me can't catch her.”

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Books, 2011 Alice . Books, 2011 Alice .

Happy Ever After (Book Four in the Bride Quartet)

HAPPY EVER AFTER by Nora Roberts is the fourth book in the Bride Quartet. Once again, we meet with childhood friends Parker, Emma, Laurel, and Mac, but this time it’s a wrap! Here’s a quick recap: […] In Book 4, we get a taste of Parker Brown (Del’s sister and the brains behind Vows) and Malcolm “Mal” Kavanaugh (the gorgeous Harley bike hunk of a mechanic).

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Books, 2011 Alice . Books, 2011 Alice .

The Moneyless Man

Inspiring. Intriguing. Eye-opening. Thought-provoking. Entertaining. The Moneyless Man is an interesting book by Mark Boyle. It’s a book detailing his yearlong social experiment of living without money. It will also wake us up from our consumerist culture and obsession with money.

Boyle, an Irish and a former businessman, sold his possession and embarked on this mind-boggling journey. How would one live without money? What does he eat? […]

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Books, 2011 Alice . Books, 2011 Alice .

The Elephant in the Room

THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM by Ed Baker is a financial fable. This is a highly readable book on the secrets for pursuing real financial success, told in the form of a story. Baker uses a character named Michael Davidson to bring this message across. If you are expecting technical reading on investing in bonds, shares, or other forms of financial matters, this book is not it. In this story, having a big income and successful career could still mean that one is living from paycheck to paycheck, and not accumulating any savings—as in the case with Michael. The book gradually builds the case for financial freedom […]

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Books, 2011 Alice . Books, 2011 Alice .

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

This is a business book—yes—but if you are a lover of fiction, you would probably also enjoy this 229-page hardcover book. THE FIVE DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM is a highly readable leadership fable. The book has two sections: The Fable and The Model. A large part of this review talks about the former. In section The Model, it provides more information about the model to help readers understand and overcome the five dysfunctions.

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Books, 2010 Alice . Books, 2010 Alice .

The Sookie Stackhouse Challenge

I’ve completed yet another reading challenge! I finished reading the last of my Sookie Stackhouse book two days ago. I loved Sookie! As for the male protagonists, I can't decide who I liked more: Eric or Bill. I kept yoyo-ing between the two. I think I might settle for Bill (haha!). If you have no idea what I'm going on about, Eric and Bill are the two male vampires in Sookie's life—lucky girl. But not so lucky […]

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Books, 2010 Alice . Books, 2010 Alice .

Star Sapphire

STAR SAPPHIRE by Han May was brought to my attention by Jo Lau, a new friend I met at a blog event in Malaysia. I didn’t expect to enjoy this sci-fi novel as much as I thought I would, but now I’m glad I read it because STAR SAPPHIRE is great!

The novel feels different from the novels I have read and it does have a more local flavor to it. I cannot quite articulate how I feel about it but I think it is the way it’s written; yet, it touches me and draws me into the story. I found myself eager to know what would happen to Yva Yolan (the female protagonist who is half human, half alien) and the important people she crosses path with when she accepted the job onboard the spaceship Star Sapphire.

There Yva meets with the two main male characters, […]

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Books, 2010 Alice . Books, 2010 Alice .

If Only in My Dreams

IF ONLY IN MY DREAMS by Wendy Markham is my first book by the author and I liked it very much. The female protagonist Clara McCallum has just landed a huge part starring in a WWII film as a woman in love with a doomed soldier named Jed Landry. At the same time she’s also diagnosed with breast cancer, which leaves her devastated. While filming, she’s magically transported back in time to 1941 where she meets the real-life Landry; it takes her some time before she realizes that she’s no longer on the set but the real thing.

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