“Create in your mind a scenario of experience, but then put it away. Stuff it into your pocket. Because no matter how you plot and plan, life's winds of adversity of your innocent mistakes will at times blow you off course. When you make interior or exterior journeys, there will be times you don't know where you're going. [...] Whatever you do, keep paddling.” —Marlee LeDai, author “Go Girl”
“Seeing is a learned process. Some of us go through life "seeing" very little of the power and glory around us. We do not properly filter the information that our eyes give through the mental processes of the brain. As a result we often behold things without seeing them at all. We receive physical impressions without grasping their meaning to us.” —Napolean Hill
“Before I met Matthew, there didn't seem to be room in my life for a single additional element—especially not something as significant as a fifteen-hundred-year-old vampire. But he'd slipped into unexplored, empty places when I wasn't looking.” —Deborah Harkness, author ”A Discovery of Witches”
“A lived-in body that has suffered, that has endured, that has survived, has a kind of beauty you may not think possible from where you are now. Every line, every vericose vein, every fold of fat, every grey hair becomes a sign of what you've shared, of what you love.” —André Brink, author “The Rights of Desire”