Quotes, 2013 Alice . Quotes, 2013 Alice .


“Before I met Matthew, there didn't seem to be room in my life for a single additional element—especially not something as significant as a fifteen-hundred-year-old vampire. But he'd slipped into unexplored, empty places when I wasn't looking.” —Deborah Harkness, author ”A Discovery of Witches”

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Quotes, 2011 Alice . Quotes, 2011 Alice .


“Go out and buy a journal - a cheap coil notepad will do. Call this your Dream Book and fill it with all your desires, objectives and dreams. Get to know yourself and what you are all about.” —Robin Sharma, author “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”

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Quotes, 2011 Alice . Quotes, 2011 Alice .


“No story sits by itself. Sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river..” —Mitch Albom, author “The Five People You Meet in Heaven”

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Quotes, 2009 Alice . Quotes, 2009 Alice .


In all these simple expressions—"Good morning," "Good night," "Looks delicious," "Are you okay?" "Did you sleep well?"—that's where love lives.

That's what it means to be a couple, I thought. —Takuji Ichikawa, author ”Be With You”

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Quotes, 2009 Alice . Quotes, 2009 Alice .


“The tongue too is like smoldering coals. Though it is one of the smallest members of the body, it can become "a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person.” —Gene A. Getz and Elaine A. Getz, author “The Measure of a Woman”

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Quotes, 2008 Alice . Quotes, 2008 Alice .


“A lived-in body that has suffered, that has endured, that has survived, has a kind of beauty you may not think possible from where you are now. Every line, every vericose vein, every fold of fat, every grey hair becomes a sign of what you've shared, of what you love.” —André Brink, author “The Rights of Desire”

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Quotes, 2008 Alice . Quotes, 2008 Alice .


“There's nothing wrong with letting your face show what you've learned in life," he replied. Which made him want to look at her face again, but it was tucked against his chest, so he had to make do with his imagination.” —Various authors ”Christmas Getaway”

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