2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

(Silent) Graphic Novel: Un Océan d'amour

Un Océan d'amour (the French edition) has arrived from Amazon.se! I placed an order for the book yesterday after I wrote the post about my thoughts on writing Swedish descriptive texts.

Un Océan d'amour (den franska utgåvan) har kommit från Amazon.se! Jag beställde boken igår efter mitt blogginlägg om mina tankar kring att skriva beskrivande texter på svenska. […]

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

My thoughts on writing Swedish descriptive texts

I am super inspired after each lesson at school to write better. The exercises done in class such as describing a series of pictures to form a story, or watching a short video clip to then describe what has happened, are really harder than they look.

Jag blir superinspirerad att skriva bättre efter varje lektion på skolan. Övningarna som görs i klassen exempelvis att beskriva en bildserie eller ett kort videoklipp om vad som har hänt, är verkligen svårare än de ser ut. […]

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

My SVA Journey Has Begun!

Updated on 3 June: […]

My SFI journey has ended and so begins the next phase: Svenska som andraspråk (SVA) på grundläggande nivå. This program is equivalent to the Swedish education system of årskurs 7 - 9 (for students ages 12 to 14).

I’ve begun my 2-week orientation at the new school yesterday (25 April) and today sat for the validerande test (English: placement test). This test will determine the level in which I will be placed in the program. […]

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

My SFI Journey (Part 2)

I have taken 144 days or 4.8 months to complete the study. This is from the date I began the introduction class on 25 October last year to the day I took the final national exam for SFI D on 6 April this year.

I also mentioned I’d be sharing some information about the books and other resources I used for the duration of my study. I’ve explored many resources but only listed here those I either used most often or were the most impactful to me [...]

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

The Magic of Reading Aloud

Den meningsfulla högläsningen is a wonderful book about reading aloud to children by Anne-Marie Körling. I borrowed it from the Huskvarna public library. It’s surprisingly easy to read and I gained so much insights and tips from the 64-page book.

For now, it seems that Mister Pops the cat is getting the most from my reading aloud […]

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