2021, Personal Projects Alice . 2021, Personal Projects Alice .

Useful Feedback, Not Reassurance

Reassurance—while it’s calming—never lasts. Godin says:

There’s never enough reassurance to make up for a lack of commitment to the practice.

Reassurance is short-term. It amplifies attachment. It shifts our focus from pursuing the practice to maneuvering it to ensure success. So—useful feedback, not reassurance. For example, in my Swedish language learning, there is little use if my Sfi teacher just reassures me that I will do great in the language without giving me feedback on where I had made mistakes or how I […]

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2021 Alice . 2021 Alice .

What makes a word “real”?

This TED Talk will improve our understanding of the way language works and our view of dictionaries. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and it’s a good 17 minutes spent.

Language change, according to language historian and English professor Anne Curzan (emphasis mine): "The language is not going to change so fast that we can’t keep up; language just doesn’t work that way. […]

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2021, Personal Projects Alice . 2021, Personal Projects Alice .

What Should Exist?

I’ve been ‘marinating’ overnight on this question from James Clear’s 3-2-1 newsletter. “What should exist?” is a question from Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft.

Clear’s newsletter this week focuses on resilience, growth, and new opportunities. I find it most timely as I’ve been revisiting visualization—not in the data visualization sort of way—but more in the way of using one’s imagination to create the life one wants.

Actually, as I write this, I realize we are generating data as long as there is still breath in us, so can we visualize the ‘data’ we are creating in the best possible way? […]

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Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice . Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice .

Svenska för invandrare (sfi) - kurs C

Fantastic news! I’ve been bumped up the level to Course C (skipping B)!

I’m currently enrolled in the Introduction class and had formally started my Swedish for Immigrant (SFI) program on Monday, 25 October. Starting Monday, 6 December, I will join the existing Course C group, which is at a higher level of proficiency.

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